Berk's Dragon Academy server icon

Berk's Dragon Academy



Have you ever thought about what a How to Train Your Dragon Minecraft server could be like? Imagine a screen-accurate map of the entire barbaric archipelago, teeming with life of all sorts; Vikings, yak and sheep, and of course, dragons! Players would take on the roles of chieftains and dragon riders, evil warlords and dragon trappers, and anything else you can think of in between like farmers, fishermen, and traders. If this sounds like the kind of experience you would enjoy, this community might be for you!

We are Berk’s Dragon Academy, a small team dedicated to bringing the How to Train Your Dragon universe to Minecraft Java! In anticipation of a mod that’s currently in development called Isle of Berk (with whom we are in no way affiliated), our team quickly began working on constructing the islands that you all know and love from the film trilogy, shorts, and TV series! Our hope is to bring the ultimate How to Train Your Dragon experience to Minecraft Java and provide the HTTYD community with a fun and engaging world to fulfill their wildest HTTYD dreams.

The Berk’s Dragon Academy server allows you to not only keep updated on our project through teasers and updates as we continue to build, but also interact with other members of our growing community through server-hosted events like movie nights! If you’re looking to join a fun new HTTYD community and watch the project unfold as we continue to build, then let us be the first to welcome you to Berk!

We hope to see all of you soon!

The Berk’s Dragon Academy Team