Divinity Discord Server


5m 前

Gaia, the Earthmother, sleeps. And from the fruit atop The World Tree, gods are born during her slumber. You are one of them. You may hold lingering memories from some past life - perhaps previously as a mortal or a god elsewhere - or you may be a blank slate. Aside from what you and your brethren create, there is nothing. Nought but a great tree, and the stars sprinkled in the void sky.

Divinity is an immersive god-based roleplay set in a newly formed world. Inspired by various mythologies, we support a variety of writing styles and character concepts. Many writers might lean towards the more 'literate' end of the spectrum, but 'short and sweet' is perfectly valid. A lot of work has been put into various little mechanics and lore snippets to keep things 'balanced'. There's no 'ban list'. Just a general baseline of trust, and some simple guidelines.

• Rich lore to help immerse you into the setting, and keep everyone on the same page. The depth of which you engage with any aspect is up to you: no one is required to read or remember everything, and work is put in to ensure it's accessible.
• Some simple mechanics to help guide the roleplay, and bring about a rough sense of progression without creating any great disparity between members.
• No more waiting for approval just to create a new species or a new location. Once you're in, you're in!
• A welcoming community that's 100% LGBTQ+ friendly. We don't tolerate bigotry of any kind.
• A custom-made and easy-to-use bot to automatically assist with tracking various figures, such as populations. The focus is on the world and the writing, not the numbers that might guide it.
• A fluid story told by the writers: you control how the world develops, so join today!