Oatmeal World Discord Server

Oatmeal World

अंतिम वोट
2m पहले

We're the largest Oatmeal Joey Arnold server in the world since 2019, over 10,000+ people joined, you can join too to make new friends you can play video games with, listen to music with, to chill with, to hangout with, a great place to cure your depression, our goal is to help people help people, this server is run by the people, level up to unlock channels and to govern the server with us

⭐ SFW General Chat
🧸 Active Chat
🌎 Active VC
🙉 Unique GIFs, stickers
🍎 Share your memes
🤖 Fun bots

Main goals
⭐ Entertain
⭐ Educate
⭐ Equip
🩵 Encourage

Our server is full of a variety of people which includes trolls, advertisers meaning you can plug and self-promote; this is a free speech server to an extent meaning a wide variety of topics; we hold all kinds of events and activities like movie night and more

Oatmeal Joey Arnold has 10K followers on TikTok, you can also find him all over the Internet, Oatmeal keeps a daily blog on Hive, for more information, follow Oatmeal on social media at joeyarnoldvn