Terminator डिस्कोर्ड सर्वर्स

Terminator के बारे में डिस्कॉर्ड सर्वर के पृष्ठ 1 को दिखा रहा है

The War Against The Machines | 2022 [Terminator RP] Discord Server
The War Against The Machines | 2022 [Terminator RP]

Welcome to the far off future of 2022!

This is a Terminator Roleplay Server based in the Future War of 2022. Its based in the T1 timeline and heavily uses the Terminator TTRPG as a baseline for the Lore of the server. The current story will focus on the rise of the Resistance and the ensuing war between it and Skynet forces, as well as a confrontation between Skynet and Skynet 2.0 forces sent from the future of 2032.

Currently in:
Chapter One - Th