Rocitizens डिस्कोर्ड सर्वर्स

Rocitizens के बारे में डिस्कॉर्ड सर्वर के पृष्ठ 1 को दिखा रहा है

Gem City RP Discord Server
Gem City RP

A chill community, that was previously just an RP group, hard to describe in a few words but heres what we got.

• Detailed Economic System & Government.
• Creatives Like Artwork & Writing.
• A Custom Bot (Phone Apps).
• A Friendly Sphere.
• A Dark History...

Contact the owner once you join the server.

(Even if you don't prefer such a server, JOIN, for Gem is what YOU our fellow Gems and citizens make it and we will make this server "for-you" no matter what...)