Delta Force डिस्कोर्ड सर्वर्स

Delta Force के बारे में डिस्कॉर्ड सर्वर के पृष्ठ 1 को दिखा रहा है

DELTA FORCE СНГ Discord Server

Крупнейший СНГ сервер по игре PIONER.
Тысячи игроков, напарников, напарниц.
Адекватная администрация.
Всегда свежие новости, обзоры, розыгрышы.
Заходи и будь как дома выживший!

Battlefield 2042 Discord Server
Battlefield 2042

Within this server, you're invited to engage in discussions with fellow enthusiastic players, converse in voice channels, form squads, and participate in our Community events.

Feel free to delve into all topics related to BF2042 and Delta Force. Our primary goal is to ensure that everyone has a rewarding experience. Take a moment to explore and enjoy your stay here!

Additionally, this server serves as a hub for news from both official and third-party sources, ensuring you're always

Delta Force: Hawk Ops (BRASIL) Discord Server
Delta Force: Hawk Ops (BRASIL)

Nosso grupo é focado para quem quer jogar o Delta force em uma comunidade completamente brasileira com calls e chat para se comunicar enquanto jogar.

OZ Gaming Discord Server
OZ Gaming

A group of chilled and relaxed gamers playing DMZ, Warzone Zombies, Delta Force Hawk Ops, Grey Zone Warfare and a few other games.
We are not vets or pro gamers streaming, just a small group having fun and laughing without the ego's or stress (mostly!!!).