Capy डिस्कोर्ड सर्वर्स

Capy के बारे में डिस्कॉर्ड सर्वर के पृष्ठ 1 को दिखा रहा है

Capybara Friends Discord Server
Capybara Friends

Only 18+ Capybaras
Simple & Clean
DM Requests
Timeout Corner (For Bad Guys)

Capybara, he'll be your friend.
Capybara, right till the end.
Capybara, has a big neck.
Capybara, hairy as heck.
Capybara, Capybara, Capybara, Capybara,
Happy, Happy, Capybara, HA HA

CaPy | 2x Vanilla+ Discord Server
CaPy | 2x Vanilla+

Capy 2x Vanilla+
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Monday 4PM GMT (Blueprint and Map wipe)
Friday 4PM GMT (Only Map wipe)

Group Limit:
Max team size of 4 players

Recyclers have been added to Fishing villages and other monuments (not all of the monuments)

Outpost/Bandit camp:
Outpost and Bandit Camp merged into one

Day / Night cycle:
Day 50 Minutes / Night 10 Minutes

Gather rates:
2x Gather Rates for ores and