Arma Reforger डिस्कोर्ड सर्वर्स

Arma Reforger के बारे में डिस्कॉर्ड सर्वर के पृष्ठ 1 को दिखा रहा है


Willkommen! Wir sind die DUG Arma Reforger MilSim Community [German]. Und du hast Bock auf MilSim und Echtzeit Game-Master Szenarien? Schließe dich unserer Gruppe an und zocke mit uns zusammen!

Momentan haben wir wöchentlich zwei Missionen im Angebot. Eine Nebenmission am Freitag ab 19 Uhr bis ca. 22.30 Uhr und eine Hauptmission immer Samstags ab 18.30 Uhr bis ca. 23 Uhr. Es gibt KEINE Anwesenheitspflichten bei den Missionen, allerdings freuen wir uns natür

Task Force Spartan Discord Server
Task Force Spartan

Welcome to Task Force Spartan!

We are a brand new unit looking to expand its ranks and build a great community. We currently are looking to gather more personnel so we can implement other units/mos’s.

COBRA Community Server Discord Server
COBRA Community Server

We Are looking for players who will fight to win, no matter the cost.
We are pretty chill so come check us out!
We offer events and good atmosphere.
Only real rule is act as an adult, Be treated as an adult regardless of age.
We offer several squadron to join in on such as CUDA, B4DGR, CONGO, and PYTHN all under the C0BRA banner! We are always on the look out for a competitive player so let yourself be known. If you’re from anothe

JSOC : National Mission Units Discord Server
JSOC : National Mission Units

1st Special Forces Operational Detachment-Delta (1st SFOD-D)

We aren't looking for the best guy, we're looking for the right guy.
Sine Pari - Without Equal

Striving to meet the mottos of the real life Unit we aim to emulate, we pride ourselves on realistic gameplay, teamwork, and the desire and willingness to continuously improve.

New Operators will go through a brief, yet effective and beneficial indoctrination phase, giving the prime opportunity to display and receive

The 1st Marine Division Discord Server
The 1st Marine Division

The 1st Marine Division is a casual Marine based unit. We have a dedicated server and offer a variety of MOS. We are very accommodating and just want to build a solid group of chill people. Come and grow with us!

We have a friendly staffing NCO and Officer team.

We are active multiple times a week with training exercises and covert missions

if you think you have what it takes join the server and Apply.

Or if you want to take it up a level, we are recruiting more expe

Marine Air-Ground Task Force | MAGTF Discord Server
Marine Air-Ground Task Force | MAGTF

MAGTF is a USMC based MilSim containing the 2nd Battalion 5th Regiment Infantry and the HMLA-369 Gunfighters. MAGTF is taken seriously but we still have fun. When running operations, training, and things of the like. We expect professionalism and dedication.

This is however a game and we do not expect activity every single day. Expected Activity is 2 days a week minimum and on campaign day or training days. If you decide to give this a shot you will be expected to complete a basic trainin