Earth Machine Yu-Gi-Oh! Hub Server server icon

Earth Machine Yu-Gi-Oh! Hub Server

अंतिम वोट

Welcome! new Gear to the 🌐Earth Machine Hub🌐, a place where you will see and discuss about all the Earth Machine Archetypes decks in Yu-Gi-Oh!, specially one of the latest decks. Dozer Control.
⬜You can also talk about other topics in specific channels like:
--------◽Current TCG Meta
--------◽Current OCG Meta
--------◽Goat Format
🔷Channels where you can duel others; Platforms allow:
🔶We Have a lvl System Talk with others and gain XP to gain special Roles:
--------🔸Amateur Gear(lvl 5)
--------🔸Casual Gear(lvl 10)
--------🔸Meta Gear(lvl 15)
--------🔸God Gear(lvl 20)
⬛Interact,Play and Inform yourself with some Features from our YGO bots:
--------◾Millennium Eye#2153 Bot
--------◾Yu-Gi-Oh Collector#8081 Bot
--------◾YuGiOh#7592 Bot
--------◾ Bot
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