अंतिम वोट

ZEKROM Revolution Zone™

Welcome to ZEKROM Revolution Zone!!
A Server made for Pokemon Fans, Pokétwo & Pokémeow!

We have many things for you all! 🙃

⌬ Own Customised Bot
• Have own server bot which can:
- Detect Held Item Pokemon spawn (Pokemeow).
- Give Rewards if you play in our server (Poketwo/ Pokemeow) [Server owner will give/trade prizes].
- Auto Shinystealer Catcher (Punish the shinyhunt stealers automatically.. No more steal of your shinyhunt).

⌬ Advanced Gyms
• Pokétwo Gyms that you can play fairly ;)
- The bot will automatically choose your reward that you can claim.
- Fair Play on Gyms..

⌬ Server Events
- Our events are made with nice prizes and ideas 🙂... Always have a great reward for you all
- Random Events: `catch event`
- Pokemon Hunts: Well, Pokemon hunts in our server is 24 Hours active, new hunt appear itself when previous one get caught.. meant by a loop event that always stay ♥️

⌬ Other Bots
• We have other bots too like:
- Myuu, Pokeventure, OwO, Dankmember, Pokedraw etc.

⌬ Friendly Owner
• Of course, I am POKEARENA.. Owner of this server... can talk me anytime, whenever you want 🙃
[ `DM's always open for everyone` ]

⌬ Your Choice is Needed
- Feel free to suggest something :)
- I always look through every suggestion and also apply/make it for you ♥️
and many more....

We hope you will enjoy and like your stay with us ^^
