404th Siegebreaker Corps Discord Server

404th Siegebreaker Corps

अंतिम वोट
3m पहले

Supreme Chancellor Palpatine has called for the formation of a grand army of the Republic, and thus the clones of Kamino step to the plate. Join arms with the Siegebreakers--a Corps of soldiers who assault the most fortified of Separatist lines--and bring might and justice to the galaxy in the name of the Republic!

The 404th brings unique opportunities to the table for Clone RP:
* Milsim with heavy roleplay and passive focuses!
* Many pathways and roles to specialise and be the trooper you want to be!
* A thorough custom clone creator that gets updated regularly!
* An engaging and welcoming community!

Stop by, and save the galaxy from the tyranny and aggression of the Separatists!