Lotus Lounge Discord Server

Lotus Lounge

अंतिम वोट

Em ḥotep! Welcome to Lotus Lounge, a Kemetic Pagan server. We are open to people of all religions and practices, however we focus primarily on Kemetic Paganism (also known as Kemeticism, Kemetism and Neterism).

Our server offers various things including:
- TupperBox and PluralKit for systems
- An LGBTQ friendly community
- Sources on Kemeticism and other religious/witchcraft related topics
- A vent space if you need to get things off your chest and resources
- Chats for various Pagan and non-Pagan religions including a category dedicated to Kemetic religion
- Friendly staff that are available at all times ready to help!

We hope you will come join us 🙏