अंतिम वोट

➢ For writers, by writers.
➢ 18+ community
➢ Original characters!
➢ Multiple characters Permitted.
➢ Inclusive and welcoming community
➢ Literate [multi para preferred]

The year is 150AC, the realm has had to deal with the aftermath of the Dance of Dragons for several years and issues are still at large. Some parts of the story has been changed in order to permit writers more freedom of creating characters without needing to be bound by strict cannon guidelines. Where will you stand within this aftermath of the dance, are you still upset or are you content with the victory of the greens under Aegon II.

Join the story today, and change history with the skill of your pen.

The world of ASOIAF, is a wonderful place for story telling. We encourage our players to write stories with one another through original characters but within the world of Westeros, our small but passionate team of staff has gained much experience over the years and learned what lessons they could from the dozens of RP servers they have partaken in. From our lessons we have learned that even admins must be held accountable to the rules they enforce, that stories are those of the community not that of a single person. And perhaps most important remember that some people don't play the game of thrones to win.

We offer our players what we believe to be a unique, fair and safe environment to tell stories within. Whether you're a seasoned veteran or just starting out.