☆ð™°ðšŒðš‘ðš•ðš¢ðšœ ð™°ðšŒðšŠðšðšŽðš–ðš¢â˜… server icon

☆ð™°ðšŒðš‘ðš•ðš¢ðšœ ð™°ðšŒðšŠðšðšŽðš–ðš¢â˜…

अंतिम वोट

â•”â•â•â•â•â•â•â• ೋღ 🫠ღೋ â•â•â•â•â•â•â•â•—
ðš†ðšŽ ðš ðšŽðš•ðšŒðš˜ðš–𚎠ðšœðšðšžðšðšŽðš—ðšðšœ ðšðš˜ ð™°ðšŒðš‘ðš•ðš¢ðšœ ð™°ðšŒðšŠðšðšŽðš–ðš¢!
ð™°ðšŒðš‘ðš•ðš¢ðšœ ð™°ðšŒðšŠðšðšŽðš–𚢠ðš’𚜠𚊠ðšð™¿ ðšœðšŽðš›ðšŸðšŽðš› ðš’ðš— ðš ðš‘ðš’ðšŒðš‘ ðšœðšðšžðšðšŽðš—ðšðšœ ðšŒðšŠðš— ðš•ðšŽðšŠðš›ðš— ðš•ðš’ðš”𚎠ðšŠðš—𚢠ðšŠðšŸðšŽðš›ðšŠðšðšŽ ðšœðšðšžðšðšŽðš—ðš ðšðš˜ðšŽðšœ... ðš˜ðš› ðšŒðšŠðš— ðšðš‘ðšŽðš¢?

!!!ð™»ð™¾ðšð™´ ð™¸ð™½ð™µð™¾!!!
In a world where resources are scarce, humanity has decided that the best course of action would be to let the intelligent and rich live whilst the uneducated and poor are either eliminated or turned to slaves. Families try their best to make enough income while keeping their young ones educated enough to pass the standards but due to schools only caring for money and not of the kids, they don't always survive. But there was recently a new school that had opened up and it had already been declared as the top school in the world, only having geniuses graduate from that school. That school was Achlys Academy, having grades from kindergarten to the end of highschool. It was big, clean and modern, fitting every student's dream school. But it wasn't truly as much of a dream as they thought it was...

ðš†ðšŽ ðš‘ðš˜ðš™ðšŽ ðš¢ðš˜ðšž ðš‘ðšŠðšŸðšŽ ðšŠðš— ðšŠðš–ðšŠðš£ðš’ðš—ðš ðšðš’ðš–ðšŽ!

⚠︎ðš†ðšŠðš›ðš—ðš’ðš—ðšâš ï¸Ž
ðšƒðš‘ðš’𚜠ðšð™¿ ðšŒðš˜ðš—ðšœðš’ðšœðšðšœ ðš˜ðš ðšœðš˜ðš–𚎠ðšðš›ðš’ðšðšðšŽðš›ðš’ðš—ðš ðšŠðš—ðš ðšðš›ðšžðšŽðšœðš˜ðš–𚎠ðšðš˜ðš™ðš’ðšŒðšœ ðšœðšžðšŒðš‘ ðšŠðšœ ||ð™¼ðšžðš›ðšðšŽðš›, ðš…ðš’ðš˜ðš•ðšŽðš—ðšŒðšŽ, ð™³ðšŽðšŠðšðš‘, ð™²ðšŠðš—ðš—ðš’ðš‹ðšŠðš•ðš’ðšœðš–, ð™²ðš‘ðš’ðš•ðš ð™°ðš‹ðšžðšœðšŽ, ðšŽðšðšŒ.|| ðšð™¿ ðšŠðš ðš¢ðš˜ðšžðš› ðš˜ðš ðš— ðš›ðš’ðšœðš”.

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If you have no experience roleplay, then that's completely fine! We have no standards in how you roleplay, and we will gladly teach you the basics. If you have trouble understanding, don't be afraid to ask us.

â•šâ•â•â•â•â•â•â• ೋღ 🫠ღೋ â•â•â•â•â•â•â•â•