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House Of ILM™

अंतिम वोट

As-Salāmu ʿAlaikum wa-Raḥmatu ʾllāhi wa-Barakātuhu

About Our Server
Our server is a comprehensive resource hub for anyone interested in learning about Islam. We have a wealth of information across numerous topics, designed to educate and inspire Muslims and non-Muslims alike. Here’s what you can find:

- 5 Pillars of Islam & 6 Pillars of Faith
- Basic Knowledge of Islam
- Quran Section and Tafsirs
- Aqidah & Madhab Discussions
- Guidance on Haram Activities
- Refutations of Other Religions & Islamic Sects
- Resources for Muslim Reverts

Our Mission
With hundreds of channels, there’s a dedicated space for every topic. We aim to provide a comprehensive platform for learning and growing in your Islamic knowledge. We hope you benefit greatly from the wealth of information available and grow in your understanding and appreciation of Islam, In'Sha'Allah.

Join us and embark on a journey of knowledge and faith!

Wa ʿAlaikum asalām wa-Raḥmatu ʾllāhi wa-Barakātuhu