Serveurs Discord Ut Rp

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Engelsblut RPG Discord Server
Engelsblut RPG

Engelsblut RPG
Engel und Dämonen – das ist an sich schon ein spannendes Thema. Aber wie sieht es aus, wenn sie Kinder mit Menschen haben? Und diese Kinder dann magische Kräfte haben?

Finde es heraus und werde ein Teil dieses Servers!

Worum geht es genau?
Das RPG spielt auf einem Internat namens Sevenoaks Internat. Hier lernen Halbengel und Halbdämonen Seite an Seite ihre Fähigkeiten zu kontrollieren. Auch Flug- und Verwandlungsunterricht steht auf dem Stundenplan. Denn all d

UNDERTALE: Event Horizon Discord Server
UNDERTALE: Event Horizon

It is day [576] since the affliction has started. The Original Timeline continues to appear stable, but my worry for it ever increasing as the timelines around it become sick. Fissures, rips, places where reality is the most thin are ripping apart entire chunks of multiverse like a sandcastle. Time and space crumbling at the edges. No-clip zones where things fail to have collision and people simply fall out of reality to appear somewhere else, if at all.


[S1] Fallout RP Discord Server
[S1] Fallout RP

Ever been playing Fallout and thought there wasn't enough roleplay potential? Been in Fallout RPs, but the structure was non-existent? This server is for you! Using the XP to Level 3 Fallout TTRPG system, this server provides the best Fallout roleplay experience. Nothing here is forgotten, not combat, not roleplay, not nothing. The best part? It's 24-7! You don't need to have an established time to RP, you can come and go as freely as you'd like. Join up now for our first sea