Chronicals of Decay™ Sakhal RP DayZ Discord Server

Chronicals of Decay™ Sakhal RP DayZ

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-PS4/PS5 Server Name: +Paradise
Rp/PVP Server with highly modded trader/safezone and an economy system with bounties and rewards for playing. Boosted loot and Wolves and Bears hunt in towns and cities. Frequent trader giveaways and safezone commodities for players passing through. Safezone is located at the Altar part of radio zennit near the center of the map. To use the economy system please link your account to your psn. If you need help please use our ticket system to report issues or ask for help.
Purchase items through trader by using currency earned in the economy section or by trading weapons and loot. Trader shop bot will be active soon and you can purchase through the bot and your items will spawn at the coordinates you enter at server restart.