Star Wars: Galaxy at Odds server icon

Star Wars: Galaxy at Odds

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STAR WARS: Galaxy at Odds

The year is 7 BBY. The Jedi Temple lays in ruins. The crumbling husk of the complex forever marred against the Coruscanti skyline. Left untouched as a reminder of what happens to those who oppose the Emperor. The remaining Jedi Remnant, survivors who managed to escape the near-genocidal slaughter, remain in hiding. Nearly forgotten and systematically wiped from the Galactic memory, it was tantamount to treason to think otherwise or sympathize with the traitors of old.

The Senate, a husk of its former self, remain in vestigial power serving at the pleasure of the Emperor. Those who dare speak out against the tyrannical methods see their worlds suffer through blockades, trade embargoes, or, at worst, militantly occupied by the heavy-handed garrisons of the now-aging clones and the new generation of replacements. The mandatory quota of fresh youth drafted and pressed into service acts as a tribute for the safety and prosperity the Empire provides to their home-worlds and the already heavy taxation and demands of raw resources and materials.

The Empire has spies everywhere. From the mystical Inquisitors to the more common, but just as secretive Imperial Intelligence Branch. Its agents rooting through the core and outer worlds looking for acts of treason, sedition, or discontentment. To harbor even the thought of Rebellion was tantamount to a death sentence, or worse, lifelong servitude in the industrial mines and processing centers of the galaxies resources hubs to keep the Military-Industrial Complex well fed and stocked.

For their brutal tactics and propaganda, peace does exist in the Galaxy, but at what cost...

Server Info:
- Server focused heavily on literate RP and writing.
- Plenty of options and room to grow your OC
- Established Admin and Core Playerbase