Fallout 76 server icon

Fallout 76

Dernier vote

We started the server as soon as the 76 teaser trailer was announced, making us the oldest server, and with a member count of over 7000 we're the largest server that's solely dedicated to Fallout 76. We house everyone, with several content creators and Discord partners within the server, we have a nice moderation team which is online almost all the time because we carefully select who is worthy and take every timezone into consideration, so the server is protected at any time.

We have game discussion, trading and find a team channels with more to come.

psst. we have custom fallout based emojis, almost 50, made by us! Some of them include: VaultChamp, VaultLul, VaultThinking, VaultThonking, VaultREE, VaultOmega, VaultShrug, VaultMonkaS, FeelsBadBoy, FacePalmBoy, and many more!

If you so choose to join, here's a link to the server!


Thanks for your time!

See you in the wasteland