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In Toska, the formidable Lord WRATH reigns supreme, championing a vision of intellectual superiority that transcends the ordinary confines of humanity. Here, the very essence of what it means to be human is scrutinized and, in many respects, diminished. WRATH, with an unwavering conviction, seeks to elevate the mind above all else, advocating for a radical equality that strips away the frailties and weaknesses inherent in human nature.

In this dominion, the structures of government and the tenets of law hold no sway; they are but distant echoes in the shadow of WRATH’s omnipotent decree. The populace is compelled to adhere to a singular doctrine: the dictates of WRATH are the only laws that govern existence. Individuality is sacrificed at the altar of uniformity, as the WRATH’S relentless pursuit of a collective consciousness aims to eradicate the very traits that define humanity—compassion, empathy, and the myriad emotions that bind individuals together.

As the believers of Toska must learn to navigate this stark landscape, you may find yourself in a paradox. Stripped of humanity, but you will be simultaneously liberated and ensnared, forced to confront the question of what it truly means to be equal. In a society where the mind is exalted above all, the heart is relegated to a mere whisper, a forgotten relic of a bygone era.

Thus, in the shadow of WRATH’s imposing presence, the believers of Toska march forward, bound by an unyielding commitment to a higher ideal, yet haunted by the remnants of their lost humanity. They exist in a world where the pursuit of equality comes at an unimaginable cost, forever entwined in the struggle between the elevation of the mind and the essence of the human spirit.

Wrath Will Show You What It Means To Be Enlightened.

We Accept all people for all Cultures / Nationality's / Sexual Orientation.