Clouds of Spirits RP Discord Server

Clouds of Spirits RP

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Clouds of Spirits rp is an rp server set in a warriors-based world! There are six clouders here, each with their own lore:

Eclipse clouder: They live by a lake and due to being the closest to the Healer Meeting Place, they are elitist, and think that they should lead the other clouders.

Flight clouder: They are fun-loving cats that live in the trees! They rarely come down to the surface and spend most of their time running across the branches.

Insect clouder: These cats have inexplicably mutated to look like insects, and while they could win almost any battle, they tend to stray away from conflict.

Sea clouder: Their home being on a beach and right next to the water, these cats are excellent swimmers and even more excellent fighters. They win almost every battle, so other clouders don't pick fights with them often.

Forest clouder: Forest clouder is the friendliest to outsiders, as they are the clouder that is notorious for taking them in. They are named after the flora and fauna of the forest!

Gorge clouder: Gorge clouder is the illusive clouder that lives in the caves of a gorge. They are nocturnal and rarely talk to other clouders.

The staff and I hope to see you stop by!!a