fruityrumpusparty.jpg Discord Server


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3m hace

sup maggots

were lookin for some sick raddy 25(+) peeps to join our totally tubular server - only allowing 23 losers in so you better get in here fast-like

(we have 5 bots in server atm: discadia, mudae, pokebot, septapus, and tatsu)

i gots some rules first so make sure you can read:

1) dont be a douchebag. easy.
2) you gotta be wantin to make some friends broseph or youre just not welcome
3) have a mic. we are lookin for peeps to join us for vc, va and games. no mic, no join.
4) you gotta like gaming and anime - also be LGBT/420 friendly you feel me?
5) you gotta be no younger than 25 to join this place. we talk about taxes and politics in here. totally boring. plus im, like, old enough to be your dad. gross.
6) and lastly be HELLA active. this place requires you to join us for tons of shit so if youre active offline dont join. were all terminally online.

cool so now that you know the rules heres some other shit

we base this off of colors so if a color is still here its yours for the taking:

> red
> maroon
> purple
> olive
> aqua
> skyblue
> blue
> gray
> tan
> brown

cant wait to talk

oh - and if youre a bot you arent gonna get too far in here fair warning