Servidores de Discord de Shiny Pokemon

Mostrando la página 1 de los Servidores de Discord sobre Shiny Pokemon

The Shiny Shrine Discord Server
The Shiny Shrine

Welcome to The Shine Shrine, a chill shiny hunting server that aims to do what most shiny hunting servers can't: Be a decent community with no toxicity, welcoming members, and constant activity! If you are looking for a shiny hunting server that'll accept you as a member, don't be afraid to come hop in with us! We even offer frequent VCs if you like to VC while shiny hunting! Come on in today!

Pokemon Universe Discord Server
Pokemon Universe

# __Pokemon Universe__

Welcome to Pokemon Universe. We have stuff for all types of pokemon fans old and new. Some of our features include:

*Community support for most switch pokemon games

*free gen bots for gen 7-9

*free SV raid bots coming soon

*competitive SV community


*SV pokemon league coming soon

*Friendly and interactive staff team

If any of this peaked your interest, come check us out

Pokémon Let's Talk Discord Server
Pokémon Let's Talk

Hello! This is a server that focuses on the Pokémon games, and specifically shiny hunting!

We have:
A points system and titles to show off your dedication to catching those sparkly creatures!
Weekly and monthly hunt prompts, to earn extra points!
Fun riddles about pokemon to solve for points!
Monthly events, ranging from art contests to hunting contests to competitive battling!

We hope to see you there!