CTY: Reformation Station 18+ Discord Server

CTY: Reformation Station 18+

Último voto
2m hace

***THIS IS AN 18+ Roleplay Server***
Dear Inmate,
Welcome to CTY! We are thrilled you have joined our facility.
You have earned your way into our facilities based on the fact you have not been deemed to fit into your society. Your start date:xx\xx\3037.
Due to your deviancy and failures, we are now authorized to use you as one of many test subjects from across the universe.
The collar on your neck will shock you or cause severe pain, if tampered with. Please do not try to damage or try to remove said collar. There will be demerits or punishments for every time you are caught in such acts.
The collar dampens all abilities, for ours and your safety.
As an inmate, you won’t be leaving the facility until we at CTY:RS feel there’s no usable data for us to collect, you have paid off your debt, you have became a viable citizen for your society, or have otherwise earned your freedom. Today marks day one of your journey. As it is your first day, you will not receive a task today, but be prepared to receive one soon....