the tube Discord Server

the tube

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The world is a dangerous place.
Between the zombies, the monsters and/or mutants, the self-proclaimed superheroes popping up everywhere, and the identical copies of renowned citizens appearing just as confused as they are, it's hardly safe for citizens to walk the streets! Especially if you believe the rumours that Red Army city guards are arresting civilians and taking them away for no clear reason. But that is all baseless speculation.
Loyal citizens, the Red Army is here to protect you. As the leading force in global scientific advancement, no one is more capable of bringing order to this chaotic world than the army's research teams. And with special oversight from the Red Leader himself, you can be sure all experiments are done with the utmost care for the betterment of our society.

Pretty good pitch, right?
I know, it sounds different when you're the one being tested on. But keep your chin up. You're doing us all a great service! Now, let's move into the examination chamber...



What we offer:
- Separate bots: Tupperbox for roleplayers and Pluralkit for plural members
- A large team of friendly and attentive staff for quick moderation and helpful answers
- A loud and proud queer environment to welcome users of all orientations!
- A simple, beginner-friendly, zany story built to accept all sorts of characters & stories (clones and AUs accepted, OCs encouraged!), and designed to continue with input from anyone and everyone!
- And more to come!!

So if you're interested, drop in and take a tour of the facility! We'd love to have you.

Please contact the owner at attention_shopperzz (Discord account) if there is any trouble with the server invite.