Serbia Discord Servers

Showing page 1 of Discord Servers about Serbia

🐦・Night Birds™ Discord Server
🐦・Night Birds™


⌜Pozvan si da se pridružis Night Birds serveru koji je osnovan 28.02.2022. kao discord server sa ciljem zabave, druženja i upoznavanja.⌟

Server privilegije:
・Aktivan Chill&Gaming Community.
・Full sređen server kanali, vc, botovi.
・Full sređena ekonomija na srpskom.
・Pravila su maksimalno ublažena.
・Staff prijave su uvek otvorene.
・I jos mnoštvo specijalnih kanala .


Katakombe Discord Server

Upadajte, idemo da se izgubimo

Learn Serbian Discord Server
Learn Serbian

Learn Serbian, the only server of its kind! 🎉

We have put a lot of effort and hours trying to make this server helpful and efficient for everyone. We also spent a lot of time on the making of lessons that we’ve carefully crafted just for you, for free! We have Serbian language lessons which are sorted by categories and are not so grammar heavy. Even if you don’t want to talk with anyone, and you just came for lessons, it’s alright because our goal was to help as many of you as we could, b

Mindza Turtles Discord Server
Mindza Turtles

Server je samo za 18+/Server is only for 18+

-LGBTQIA+ Friendly <3
-Straight Friendly <3
-No Toxicity <3
-Friendly gays <3
-Periodt slay queen <3
-Jiafei <3
-League of Legends <3
-Potaxio <3
-WoW <3
-Gaming <3
-Cupcakke <3
-Bitch pls <3
-Jebem mu zivot <3
-May Zozi <3

everyone is welcome <3 svi su dobrodosli <3

Бандиера Росса  Discord Server
Бандиера Росса

Cilj servera:
-Stvaranje zdrave zajednice
Server sadrži:
Razne kanale poput četa, politike i istorije, religije, filmova, fotografija, glasanja itd.
Često održavamo filmske večeri.