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Salam Talk

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Asalamu Alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu, (May Peace and Mercy and Blessings of Allah be Upon You). Salam Talk is the most positive Muslim discord server you will ever come across. It stands as a good environment for the youth while also being a positive environment for people to learn more about Islam, regardless of being Muslim or not. Our main objective is to achieve a strong foundation of the basics of islam, Allah swt and Muhammad saw which are the most important aspects about our faith before anything else. Although we try to have our members learn to unfold the true beauty of Islam for themselves here, that doesn’t exclude all our youth enrichment such as streaming cartoons, emotes, gaming, sharing jinn stories, and much more, even nitro giveaway competitions! We like to balance the server with education and fun for a more welcoming community to hangout with fellow good Muslim friends 😊.