The Tavern Discord Server

The Tavern

Last vote
4m ago

The Tavern, a D&D and TTRPG discord server that hosts a tight-knit community of folks who DM, play, review homebrew, create systems, and everything in between! New DMs can join the server and immediately start up their new campaign by using our custom bot, The Chef, to create their category and role, and govern their campaign as they please. The server largely hosts D&D 5e, however the player base is very open to new systems and homebrew - campaigns that use systems such as Pathfinder, D&D 3.5, Dungeons: The Dragoning 40,000 7th Edition, FATE, and Call of Cthulu have had (and are having!) success on the server.

So please, come and join us in the Tavern, whether you are a DM looking for players, seeking critique on your new homebrew, or a player wanting to join a campaign.