Where the streets of Zaun meet the spires of Piltover, a new story awaits...
🌟 Welcome to the Underground
In the wake of the events that shook both cities, new powers rise from the ashes. Will you climb the gleaming towers of Piltover's elite, or carve your path through the chemical-stained streets of Zaun? The choice is yours in this immersive roleplay experience.
✨ Features
Detailed Character Creation: Craft your own unique character as a Zaunite revolutionary, Piltover enforcer, ambitious scientist, or cunning merchant
Dynamic Faction System: Align with existing power structures or create your own criminal empire
Hex-Tech Innovation: Develop your own hex-tech inventions and shape the future of both cities
Crime & Politics: Navigate complex political intrigue or master the art of the heist
Regular Events: Weekly story events, faction wars, and city-wide catastrophes that will test your character's resolve
🎭 Available Roles
The Academy: Students and professors pushing the boundaries of hex-tech
The Chem-Barons: Underground lords ruling Zaun's depths
The Enforcers: Piltover's finest maintaining order
The Firelights: Vigilantes fighting for justice
The Merchants: Trade moguls controlling the lifeblood of both cities
📜 Server Features
Character sheets and progression system
Dice-based combat and skill checks
Dedicated channels for different districts
Voice channels for live RP sessions
Art sharing and commission channels
Experienced and active moderation team
🌐 Join the Revolution
Whether you're an experienced roleplayer or new to the scene, there's a place for you in our story. Our community is welcoming, creative, and always ready to help new members find their feet.
Server Status: Currently accepting new members
Age Requirement: 15+
"In the shadow of progress, destiny awaits..."