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From Zero

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From Zero,

Eight months ago, the future of the Dragon Kingdom of Lugunica was put into question as the "Blood Curse" brought an end to a dynasty that stood for millennia. The kingdom was nearby fractured by the sudden loss - and with no known living members of the royal family remaining, there existed nobody to hold up Lugunica's end of the Divine Dragon's covenant. The Council of Wise Men took over immediately; they scrambled to find a solution, however had difficulty doing so.

What were they supposed to do, when such a situation was unprecedented?

The answer came to them quickly, as foretold by the prophetic Dragon Tablet the Divine Dragon Volcanica gifted Lugunica long ago. A Royal Selection was to be held: an event that would be held to select a new ruler to replace those who died - a ruler who would forge a new covenant with the Divine Dragon. Only a select few individuals would be considered worthy of taking part in this Royal Selection, which would be judged based on whether or not they were accepted by the Divine Dragon himself as candidates.

The Royal Guard immediately mobilized; their best and brightest scattered to the four winds in search of those whom Volcanica deemed worthy. Each of them knew that the fate of Lugunica rested on their shoulders - and without their success, its future would be in jeopardy. If they were unable to find a new ruler, the Dragon Kingdom would surely fall...



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