One’s Own Fate Discord Server

One’s Own Fate

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# One’s Own Fate #
```Broadcast Initiation has started…```
```Rebooting… Complete.```
Welcome to Ones Own Fate! This is an all-inclusive server for chilling, vibing and roleplay! **There will be no tolerance for any hate of any minorities.
The entire server is safe for work, there will be no weird behavior within this server due to the wide range of ages.**

The City of New Montarel allows you to explore your greatest dreams, adventures and desires. Utilizing your imagination as your greatest tool.
You can either be a Villain to terrorize the Heroes and New Montarel or
You can be a Hero, to protect the City of Montarel and wipe the villains and dangers off the face of Tamre'el.

We offer:

- Creative and fun, Adaptive roleplay

- Active and Fast-paced Roleplay

- Friendly chat and growing plot

- Helpful Admin and Acceptance from everyone

- A Peace place to break free from life and be who you want to be.

Join now and Say Hello! Hope to see you there!