cult Discord Server


Last vote


1. be 13-15.

2. don’t start fights.

3. have drama with people in the server? keep it in dms and/or tell me about it if you want the people banned.

4. swear words and slurs are allowed, just use them appropriately nd at correct times.

5. this server is not nsfw, don’t post nsfw content.

6. don’t spam except in the spam channel.

7. don’t communicate using gifs, it annoys me.

8. have roles.

9. don’t argue with the owner/admins about the rules.

10. i can’t believe i have to say this but please don’t talk about cum and 12 y/os jerking makes the vibe really uncomfortable and it’s embarrassing to me as a server owner..

11. no fat smelly fucks

12. talk in the designated channels

13. don’t post pics or gifs in general