Triple Faced Coven server icon

Triple Faced Coven

Last vote
5d ago

🔮Welcome Witches and Pagans of all walks of life to the Triple Face Coven. This is a new server dedicated to creating a community of like minded witches and pagans to grow together. A coven. If you’re missing that sense of community in your shadow work, look no longer! 🔮

This is an 18+ server, but more for the safety of our adult members. This is for those serious in there craft, in learning and growing. The goal is to be an active and thriving community.

We are lgbtq+🌈 and system friendly!

Inside you’ll find:

✨Full/New Moon events and rituals
✨Lessons and group shadow work calls
✨Experienced Practitioners to help
✨Tarot, Zodiac and other bots
✨Dedicated channels to practice your craft
✨Articles and links to sources and books
✨and more