Realpolitiks : Iron Brothers server icon

Realpolitiks : Iron Brothers

Last vote

1934 : Pax Britannia Secundum

An alternate history, realistic timeline where the United States initially went isolationist during the Great war and then invaded Mexico in 1923, disturbing world oil production inviting an Entente invasion and breaking up of United States.

In East, Japan won the Second Sino-Japanese war defeating Zhili led Chinese Federation and formed a pro-japan Republic of China.

A decade has passed and world powers now stand at odds with each other, with Rise of Japan in Asia, a former ally of Entente and looming threat of Russian invasion of Europe. A Stronger British Empire over seven seas controls and dictates the world, but for how long?

Looking for Mods, Mappers and GMs

We aren't responsible for choices made by the players.

**__What we offer :__**

- No toxicity/Family friendly environment. (Atleast we try)
- Interactive RP with irp made events and decisions.
- Unbiased GMs based on facts and ground realities.
- Tendency to handover Major states to sensible people. (Might not be the case due to recent events)
- No harassment by staff over your choices made irp.
- Alternate timeline with your choice of recent history.
- Absolutely no metagaming and powergaming is tolerated.
- Free choice RP.
- New to Nation Roleplay? Feel free to give it a try.
- 80-85% free from Power Gaming, Meta gaming.
- New Mechanism for War.