Atheism is a server for discussion and debate, including but not limited to:
❔ Philosophy ❔
🛐 Theology 🛐
🏛️ Politics 🏛️
📜 Biblical Criticism 📜
🧪 Science 🧪
🐸 Memes 🐸
We also have:
⚡ A growing community of friendly and active members from all around the world
⚡ A wide variety of channels and roles which show your belief, religion, continent & more
⚡ Fun community events, Jackbox games and fun bots
⚡ People of all faiths and beliefs are welcome
⚡ Atheist/Agnostic-only channels (the vast majority of the server is open to all)
⚡ You can engage in intense debate, spam memes, have chill conversations, or do anything in-between