Chapters Discord Server


अंतिम वोट

Set in the year 2145, 50 years after the original superhuman emergence known as Booklets

The Earth has experienced unprecedented peace for so long thanks to the Emperor of Earth, who's power to Find brought solutions to most of the world. However he died last year. Rest in peace, the man was followed after he found the solution to prevent the alien invasion.

Now tensions that have kept themselves at bay for year rise. The whole world has their own agendas, and too few are for continuing this united world. Factions are rising across the globe, many of them having some sort of gimmick to their forces. WWIII is here, and there are no set borders for where the enemy begins or ends.

The base power system to this server is that you get a set number of Pages based on your race. Come and create superpowers by either submitting power names for others or pick a name you like and expand on what it does. Powers may be freely combined, and focusing entirely on one power will grant you a Bonus to help keep up with power combinations.

8 races to choose from for your characters!

Power do not really increase over time. You are allowed quite a bit of power and may master the power for yourself. This is a sequel server to my previous server Pages. Remnants of that server shaped this world. No extra pages will be handed out.