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VALO Germany

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VALORANT Germany - Wer auf Spielersuche ist oder einfach nur Fragen hat, kann gerne joinen!

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『🥉』Custom Spielersuche
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『🌟』Netzwerkübergreifendes Levelsystem

Von der Community für die Community! ✅
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The Oceanic hub for the upcoming VALORANT by Riot Games. Providing game updates, LFG, events, giveways and more.

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join 4 some head

really chill server, you can do anything you want but please just use your common sense!! active people for you to play with and talk to. looking for active members to main us ♡

Join and give recommendations for what you would like to see!

VALORANT  discord server


This is the official Discord server for the free-to-play first-person hero shooter developed and published by Riot Games: VALORANT.

Our server is English speaking but open to all regions. We host community events and keep our users up to date with the latest VALORANT news and updates.

Feel free to talk about the game, its esports, or about anything else in our server!

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Sea of Thieves Deutschland

Rare-Partner & Discord-Partner

Willkommen auf dem offiziellen deutschen Community Server zu Sea of Thieves!

Wir gehören zu den offziellen Rare Affiliate Alliance und sind offizieller Discord-Partner! Wenn du jemanden suchst um die Weltmeere unsicher zu machen, wirst du bei uns garantiert fündig!

Neben Flotten, PvP- und Arena Crews, gibt es auch Events mit tollen
Preisen bei denen jeder mitmachen kann.

Wir freuen uns auf dich!

Dein Sea of Thieves Deuts

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Game & Chill

Welcome to Game & Chill this a social gaming community for everyone to find new friends, play games, and chill with the help of our server you will connect with active players from all around the world always in our voice chats at any given hour of the day. Join a room or create your own and start the grind!! - LFG  discord server - LFG

LFG / Team finder:
🐲Apex Legends
🚗Rocket League
🦍 Overwatch 2

Quickly & easily search for players like you, our algorithm will find your ideal teammates based on:

📆 Availability
⏱ Commitment
🏆 Skill
🔫 Role
🥇 Ambition
🌐 Language & Location