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Kros Ministries

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We are biblically based oneness Pentecostals. We stand firm on the apostles doctrines. All are welcome just be willing to learn we also fellowship.

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The Language Zone™  discord server

The Language Zone™

An educational community with the main goal of connecting people through foreign languages. We give everyone the opportunity to learn about different cultures & foreign languages in a fun way.

📖 F̲R̲E̲E̲ ̲W̲E̲E̲K̲L̲Y̲ ̲L̲E̲S̲S̲O̲N̲S̲
We offer free weekly language lessons in various languages to educate people and spread cultural awareness. The lessons are prepared and hosted by our volunteer teachers live on the server. They are then posted on our YouTube channel for everyone to wa

Christianity ✞  discord server

Christianity ✞

Hello and welcome to our server! We are a Christian Community building our faith in the foundation of Christ. If you are not Christian, you are welcome here. However, we ask that you remain respectful of our beliefs and understand you are in a Christian space. For our Christians, we also ask that you follow the love of God and encourage our non-Christian counterparts to partake in the love Christ has for them. We hope you enjoy your stay at the largest Christian server here on discord!


Together Java  discord server

Together Java

Need Java help? We got plenty! Lots of friendly volunteers to help you learn Java or chat about everyday things.

Artist Dive - Collabs, Chat & More discord server

Artist Dive - Collabs, Chat & More

Server for artists who are Christians (not just people who make Christian music!) to share their music and grow alongside one another!

Homework Help  discord server

Homework Help

Homework Help (HWH) is Discord's premier academic and peer-to-peer learning community: Whether you need help with an assignment or are yourself an expert willing to volunteer your time, join us! We look forward to your contributions. With over 160,000 members and growing, our level three boosted server offers a vibrant and welcoming space for everyone!

All help is provided free of charge by volunteers. We are an international server, but only English may be spoken outside of designate

𝐸𝐶𝐿𝐴𝑇 𝑆𝑂𝐿𝐴𝑅𝐼 discord server


Bienvenue dans le serveur “Éclat Solari” ! Nous sommes ravis de vous accueillir au sein de notre communauté dédiée à toutes passions. ~

💕Rejoignez-nous dès maintenant et faites partie d'une aventure passionnante où vous pourrez explorer de nouveaux horizons, rencontrer de nouvelles personnes et créer des souvenirs inoubliables.💕
Nous sommes impatients de vous accueillir dans notre Communauté ! 🏂
