Kankan Official server icon

Kankan Official

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Official server for artist Kankan. A community hub dedicated to underground discussion, general communication, & upcoming music releases.

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Jessjessjessu's Basement  discord server

Jessjessjessu's Basement

We are a friendly community which formed around the TikToker JessJessJessu but have expanded to a bigger wider friendly spread of people!
Come join! We have: 🌸 Events 🌸 Giveaways 🌸Meet new people! 🌸Games 🌸Social 🌸

Lifeweaver Nation🌅  discord server

Lifeweaver Nation🌅

good evening, traveler! welcome to the tavern! care for a drink? we serve the finest, high quality, wine only.
yaz's tavern is a the official server for @hirayaza on tiktok!! we're 14+, and we appreciate every single one of our members. we have a trusty dusty staff team, loads of events, and a super fun and safe community!
we offer loads of channels and vcs, game nights, and many channels for different fandoms!
why not take a seat, traveler? you'll feel

Services vidéo discord server

Services vidéo

J'ai créer ce discord pour simplifier la recherche entre monteurs et clients.
Monteur vidéo, artiste de musique, désigner, vfx, ici vous trouverez votre bonheur et des clients.

Youtubeur, Streamer, influenceur, vous trouverez ici des services selon vos besoins.

blue emojis🇵🇸🇨🇩🇺🇦  discord server

blue emojis🇵🇸🇨🇩🇺🇦

hi this is the blue emojis sever!
level 3 boost
we provide blue emojis (and others!) like those meme ones you see on tiktok we also have an active community so we'll love if you join! <33
we hav an active safe space chat!
we are welcome to everybody! any hate or discrimination will result in a ban.

CBC Nation  discord server

CBC Nation

Join the Cornbread Army today! Meet new people from all around the world and discover the true meaning of friendship.

Paradise Club  discord server

Paradise Club

- We are a casual club family looking for active players.
- No skill level required, we only ask for participation!
- Our goal is to max the Mega Pig with as little effort required **(we always get 5/5 mega pig)**
- We prioritize fun over performance!
- We have up to 5 clubs for you to join! Come join Paradise and apply!

BALKAN KINGS  discord server


Pozdrav, želeo bih da vam kažem da je discord radjen sa puno posvecenosti i pažnje, 6 godina rada iza nas. Svašta se menjalo na serveru i dodavalo. Ali jedno je ostalo isto. Da smo tu zbog druženja i širenja pozitivne energije.

Discord server BALKAN KINGS je nastao 31.12.2017. godine. Osnivači servera su poznata YouTube porodica Vuksanović iz Drmna, poznatiji kao Muđa i Ćale.

Server se vremenom razvijao te se serveru pridružio najbolji Muđin prijatelj, jutjuber Sanee.


The Minecraft Football League  discord server

The Minecraft Football League

This server is the official discord server of The Minecraft League on tiktok. Join the server to know more about what is happening with the league. If you are lucky and you want to become a team owner, you can do it here! You can sign players, managers to improve your team leading it to glory. Come and join for a cookie!