Programadores y Estudiantes | Comunidad de Programación server icon

Programadores y Estudiantes | Comunidad de Programación

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▽ Únete a los más de 75 mil miembros para conocer gente con tus mismos intereses, la comunidad más grande!

▶Necesitas contratar a un programador y/o diseñador? Utiliza nuestro canal para conseguir servicios de una forma segura!
▶Obtén ayuda sin importar el lenguaje o tecnología que utilices, consigue recursos gratuitos y actualizados.
â–¶Busca empleo, participa de proyectos o publica tus servicios.
â–¶Concursa en torneos, sorteos y asiste a talleres.
▶Publicitá tu contenido y date a conocer!
â–¶Canales de voz muy activos 24/7, puedes crear tus propios canales!
▶Sistema de rangos, ayuda a los demás, junta agradecimientos de los usuarios y sube de nivel!

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World of Coding | Programming, Code, Infosec, Hacking, Tech, Linux, Cybersec, Python, Java, math

Hey we are WoC the coding community of discord

For newer and old coders alike!

》We try to bring the coding community closer!
With this you can post and show off some of your cool stuff that you are working on/made!

We try and make it so you get help ASAP
With a big community we can do this where you can find coders just like you newer or old. So if you need a dev feel free to join an look!
And with multi communities together help can so

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Together Java

Need Java help? We got plenty! Lots of friendly volunteers to help you learn Java or chat about everyday things.

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Learn AI Together

Learn AI together. Learn & build AI
Technical Q&A, tutorials, collabs, events, model bots..
ML, NLP, Generative AI (Midjourney, ChatGPT)..

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The Programmer's Hangout

Whether you've written 10 lines of code or have been writing code for 10 years, you're welcome here! The Programmer's Hangout (TPH) is an extremely active community and a great place to get a solid footing in programming.

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Together C & C++

A programming server focused on C and C++. Get help and chat with like-minded people.

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Microsoft Community

Tech-centric community with a focus on Microsoft services and their products. If you're looking for a place to hang out with tech enthusiasts, discuss the latest tech trends, work on cool projects or get help with all manner of topics, then you should join us.

Notable qualities:
* Community managed and driven
* Engaging moderation team
* Over 90 verified Microsoft Employees (They're here for fun, not for providing support)
* Announcements channel which highlights most int