Seisei Discord Server


अंतिम वोट
3m पहले

Welcome to the World of Seisei, a high fantasy setting with adventure and intrigue around every corner.

We are a Role Play server using DnD 5e Mechanics (You do not need to understand 5e to join). This is a highly active community that stays active most hours of the day. We have a dedicated DM team to run encounters and fill the world with highly interactive NPCs that run for 24/7.

So if you are looking to become the hero of Seisei, the next villain, or maybe even a barkeeper who likes meeting new people; we are what you are looking for.

Just click to join to start your journey, we cannot wait to meet you!

**When you do join, we do use a bot called AltDentifier to try and identity suspicious servers. You may be asked to verify your account when you join though this does not affect everyone. If you are asked to verify your account you will receive a DM with instructions from the bot.**