Pixel Cave | Game Dev • Pixel Art • Chiptune Music server icon

Pixel Cave | Game Dev • Pixel Art • Chiptune Music

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Welcome to Pixel Cave, the ultimate Discord community for indie game developers, pixel art enthusiasts, and chiptune music lovers!

If you're passionate about retro gaming, pixel art, or chiptune music, you've come to the right place. Join us and connect with like-minded individuals who share your interests and values.

Share your latest game development projects, pixel art drawings, or chiptune music tracks in our diverse and supportive community.

Looking for feedback, inspiration, or collaborators? Look no further than Pixel Cave, where creativity and collaboration are always in full swing.

In addition to our channels, we also offer a job listing section where you can find or post opportunities related to game development, pixel art, and chiptune music.

And if you're a freelancer looking for work, don't miss our "hire me" section where you can showcase your skills and connect with potential clients.

Whether you're an experienced game developer, a seasoned pixel artist, or a chiptune music aficionado, we welcome you to join our friendly and vibrant community. Come share your talents, make new friends, and let your creative spirit shine!

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