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Together Java

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Need Java help? We got plenty! Lots of friendly volunteers to help you learn Java or chat about everyday things.

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The ZNotes Learning Community is a space connecting students globally, allowing them to share, explore, learn and grow through supporting each other. Students collaborate through subject channels & group sessions.

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A community of around 10,000 JavaScript developers who want to share their knowledge, learn something new, and have some fun.

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The Programmer's Hangout

Whether you've written 10 lines of code or have been writing code for 10 years, you're welcome here! The Programmer's Hangout (TPH) is an extremely active community and a great place to get a solid footing in programming.

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The Language Zone™

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We offer free weekly language lessons in various languages to educate people and spread cultural awareness. The lessons are prepared and hosted by our volunteer teachers live on the server. They are then posted on our YouTube channel for everyone to wa

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* Community managed and driven
* Engaging moderation team
* Over 90 verified Microsoft Employees (They're here for fun, not for providing support)
* Announcements channel which highlights most int

Homework Help  discord server

Homework Help

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All help is provided free of charge by volunteers. We are an international server, but only English may be spoken outside of designate

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Together C & C++

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