Task Force Phoenix Discord Server

Task Force Phoenix

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4m hace

Welcome to WWIII. A friendly server and a safe space for all types of people, even furries! We offer a player based story, and friendly moderation! Come on in and enjoy!


Welcome to Task Force Phoenix, cadet. We are the best of the best. Think of any special forces division in the world, this is not like that. We are made up of multiple special forces branches across the entire globe. SEALS, Delta, SAS, GIGN? We have soldiers from them. Now what threat could be so great that NATO themselves would create us? Black Skulls, those bloody terrorists. They are single handedly responsible for multiple terror attacks all over the world, they’re an entire network that needs to be dismantled.

Now leading the Black Skulls is a man named Ivan Belyikov, or better known as “Trager”. Why he’s going by this name is unknown to us. This man is former KGB and very very dangerous, like I mean this guy has been reported to kill men with his bare hands for offending him.

The entire terror cell are mostly comprised of Russian mercs, ex-Spetznaz, and ultranationalists who belive in restoring the USSR, and we cannot let that happen.

Now you’re fully briefed on our mission and our enemies. I’m sure you’re gonna do great. See you out there on the battlefield soldier