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Yah's Assembly Extended

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This assembly of believers in Christ will show you the truth and nothing but the truth, aid you on staying on the narrow path if so desired, wake up the lost tribes of Israel along with more fun features - just come find out!

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His Word βœŸπŸ“–  discord server

His Word βœŸπŸ“–

a Christian server on a mission to SHARE THE WONDERFUL NEWS!!

There is only 1 God and his righteous word! There is only 1 path to salvation and his name is Jesus Christ, Son of God, our Lord!

This is a server for fellowship and welcomes everybody in! Be either new to Christianity or a long-time believer, just click that join button, and let's get to studying and praising!

We are still a new small server! Help us grow by joining!

🎡 Waymaker, miracle worker, promise