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Discord server for colloquially or professionally talking about important topics about religion, science, worldview, philosophy, politics and more.
Also the home of A+theism.

More servers

Science and Technology  discord server

Science and Technology

What originally started off as a small private community for sharing scientific discussion grew well into a society with over 40,000+ members and more growing every days. Our members range from high schoolers, college students, postgraduates, as well as people from different background!

Salam Talk  discord server

Salam Talk

Asalamu Alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu, (May Peace and Mercy and Blessings of Allah be Upon You). Salam Talk is the most positive Muslim discord server you will ever come across. It stands as a good environment for the youth while also being a positive environment for people to learn more about Islam, regardless of being Muslim or not. Our main objective is to achieve a strong foundation of the basics of islam, Allah swt and Muhammad saw which are the most important aspects about our fa

United States of Columbia discord server

United States of Columbia

《United States of Columbia》
Greetings everyone! Welcome to the server, you have been invited to Discord's most based server, the United States of Columbia. The homeland of based individuals and right wingers.

• 🗳️Democracy
We are a Democracy with elections every month.

•🏛️ Government
Functional Government with many positions.

• 💬 A lot of fun channels
Many channels to talk

POLITICS  discord server


The most active and exciting political server on Discord! AMAs with political figures, weekly events and a diverse ideological community.

Christianity ✞  discord server

Christianity ✞

Hello and welcome to our server! We are a Christian Community building our faith in the foundation of Christ. If you are not Christian, you are welcome here. However, we ask that you remain respectful of our beliefs and understand you are in a Christian space. For our Christians, we also ask that you follow the love of God and encourage our non-Christian counterparts to partake in the love Christ has for them. We hope you enjoy your stay at the largest Christian server here on discord!


Homework Help  discord server

Homework Help

Homework Help (HWH) is Discord's premier academic and peer-to-peer learning community: Whether you need help with an assignment or are yourself an expert willing to volunteer your time, join us! We look forward to your contributions. With over 160,000 members and growing, our level three boosted server offers a vibrant and welcoming space for everyone!

All help is provided free of charge by volunteers. We are an international server, but only English may be spoken outside of designate