The Good News Discord Server

The Good News


➷ Welcome to The Good News ! ✝️

➷We believe in God (Elohim/Yahweh). We welcome everyone, Christian or non-Christian. We are Christian based.

➷ In this server, we are looking to connect with our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ as well as sharing the Gospel with unbelievers.
➷ Other religions are welcomed here whether it's to discuss, learn more or debate about Christianity.
➷Mark 16:15 "He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation."
➷Remember Jesus is the only WAY.
➷Must be 13+

➷ What do we offer?
⑅ノBible studies (do you love the written word of God?) (we do men's and women's bible studies weekly)📖
⑅ノWorship nights (wanna praise and sing to the Lord?) (join us on our worship nights)🎤
⑅ノPrayer sessions (if you enjoy prayer, this is for you!) (we do prayer sessions once a week)
⑅ノGame nights (do you like games?) (come and play minecraft, roblox, among us, uno and many other games with us)🎮
⑅ノMovie nights (come and watch with your brothers and sisters in Christ appropriate and christlike movies)🎬
⑅ノOpen discussion (want to have an open convo in vc?) (join us! we talk about various topics and you can include your thoughts and opinions)😄
⑅ノThe chance to learn about Jesus, Christianity, the gospel and other christian related topics if you are an non-believer or new believer.

P.S if you have a desire to share the Good News with others, this is the server for you !!! 🔥