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⚔ Warrior Scholars

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Pride. Honor. Integrity.


"Every culture is a battlefield, and every science and philosophy is artillery wielded by Centurions and Visigoths fighting to defend or destroy the human mind. Neutrality is never an option. There is only victory, not compromise. Every white flag raised by truth is another red flag raised by lies. Placing a flower in the barrel of your enemy's gun won’t stop them from pulling the trigger. We all fight wars, in both our professional and private lives. For many, the casualties are measured in ideals, not bodies. Every cynic is a battle-hardened idealist. A warrior scholar, however, refuses to let their soul become a martyr. They are Centurions, determined to defend their minds from the Visigoths seeking to destroy them. Often, they stand alone, shields raised against an empire fallen into depravity. Every loneliness is a pinnacle; every connection, a potential tragedy. Being able to endure this requires honor and integrity. Integrity is the alignment of ideas with thoughts in the mind. Honor is the alignment of ideas with actions in the body. A warrior scholar is neither vain nor humble but proud, living according to their own values. Aristotle said pride is the crown of virtue; therefore, honor and integrity must be its jewels. Take pride in doing what you say and saying what you think."— Antonio Rocco S. (Server Owner), The War for Reality: Faith versus Reason