Pixel Zone Discord Server

Pixel Zone

Last vote
4m ago

Pixel Zone is all around gaming community focused on being friendly. (We also allow vr users)

(PLEASE have online membership for the game consoles we support in the server) (The age range is 17+ or over)

We support cross platform games like Fall Guys, Minecraft, and GTA V + more. (Including games on console).

We do not tolerate promotion for other servers, or people trying ask for payment to sort the server. If you are streaming in our server via voice channel please keep it appropriate, as I do not tolerate rude behaviour.

We will eventually add PC compatibility to the server. PlayStation could eventually come to the server but it is undecided at the moment.

If I the server owner am not around when you join me or the moderators will be around to talk to you.

My goal is to create a welcoming community that talks to each other often, so as the head of Pixel Zone

We hope you enjoy the server ;)