Insignia Academy Discord Server

Insignia Academy


Welcome to Insignia Academy!


New York, New York, 2019. A world once thrown into chaos by quirks, an inexplicable insurgence of supernatural powers in humans, granted from birth, was now finally beginning to settle. As panic reduced, questions bubbled up in its place, and as heroes in America began to sprout, soon forming large agencies, each with a few dozen humans with near god-like capability, people wondered how, if at all, heroes and civilians alike would be monitored and restricted based on the usage of their natural abilities. People wondered if restricting quirk usage violated amendments protecting freedom. Others wondered if they could afford not to. As the political void created by quirks awaited to be plugged, a certain man by the name of Falconer Baldwin Feigenbaum, fueled by a set of beliefs, including that heroes should never kill, founded a school by the name of Insignia Academy, where he would gather the world's best heroes to teach the upcoming crop of quirk users, both teaching how to rise above and beyond the limits of the human body and one's own quirk, and instilling his beliefs of righteousness in young minds.

Feigenbaum's relatable belief system, as well as the proven effectiveness of his teachings, would go on to gain worldwide support and recognition. So much so that more than 90% of the annual hero rankings since the school's conception contained at least one hero in the top five who attended Insignia academy. It was quickly recognized as the best school in the world, and Feigenbaum's vision was realized. An empire of success and power was created, but he, now 97 years of age, had to pass the torch.

- OC Only!
- Engaging, Player Driven Plot!
- New, Small Community!
- Important Story Roles Open!
- Literate Roleplayers!

Come give us a shot!